"I gave my widows mite, not really thinking too much of it and certainly not expecting the outcome to be as it turned out to be. The following Monday, someone called me from out of the blue and offered to pay off two of my graduate student loans (which have been a huge debt burden) equaling $20,000.00. This COULD NOT have been coincidental! Two dollars multiplying to $20,000.00! That is what I call an exponential return! I am so, so grateful to the Lord and I must say, becoming a little hooked on all this Glory stuff. You guys do really good work and the Body really, really needs the revelation that the Lord has given you to share...Just wanted to thank you for hosting the Passover conference in Sedona, AZ. It was wonderful! Great breakthrough worship, impartation...so refreshing! and I felt a huge breakthrough happen in the spirit..."
Christy, Phoenix, Arizona
Creative Giving: Consider giving homes, land, vehicles, stocks, gold, silver, or even put DHM in your will as you feel led. For creative giving email office@thegloryzone.org